Giant Friendship Bracelet Instructions
Hammer & Stain Laramie
Giant Friendship Bracelet Instructions:
- Collect the materials you want to use.
- Choose your pre-cut vinyl word or name (There should be two printed copies of each. Save the extra copy for the last step. **It is recommended that you wait to place the letters on the white Foam Circles until you are done stringing all the pieces** Trust us on this one!
- Collect 1 white Foam Circle for EACH letter in word/name you are creating.
- Choose 12 Giant Beads (plastic balls) and a minimum of 2 small pony beads you want to use on your bracelet. You can use as many small pony beads as you like to separate Giant Beads and Foam Circles, you just need at least 1 pony bead at the beginning of the bracelet and 1 at the end.
- Collect 1 extra-long needle.
- Layout how you want your Giant Beads and Foam Circles to be arranged. Doing this step on the carpet is easiest. Any order you want it perfect. Example: 6 Giant Beads-All Letters-6 Giant Beads or Giant Bead-Letter-Giant Bead-Letter, any pattern, it is your project and up to you!
- Remember to use a small pony bead at the beginning and end of bracelet layout. Then layout more small pony beads wherever you like on the bracelet.
- Once you have your design laid out. Cut a length of fishing line that is twice the length of your design.
- Thread the fishing line onto your needle (CAREFUL THESE NEEDLES ARE SHARP).
- Once your needle and thread (fishing line) are ready, string on your first small pony bead leaving some open line at the beginning (about 6 inches) to be able to hang your project later. Once your pony bead is strung on the fishing line you will go back through that same first bead the same way you threaded the first time and then tie a knot. You should now have about 6 inches of empty line and then your first pony bead should be threaded and secured with a knot, so it doesn't slide.
- Now you will continue to thread the remaining pieces of your bracelet.
- To thread the Giant Beads (plastic balls) you will hold the plastic ball in your hand and poke the needle in one side,through the ball slowly and lightly push the needle against the opposite side to see where it wants to come out. Adjust tip of needle if needed before pushing it through. Losing air is normal, just be sure not to squeeze too hard. The ball should regain shape once threaded. If your hole is not where you want it you can just poke a new hole in the correct spot.
- *May need parents help. To thread the Foam Circles you will poke the needle straight through the middle of the ROUNDED EDGE of foam circle, NOT THROUGH THE FLAT SIDE. Don't worry if it takes a few tries to get the hang of it. There are a few extra Foam Circles included. We found it easiest to be standing up and stand the needle straight up on a hard surface with the point up and then you can push the Foam Circle down on the needle. Make sure your hand is on the sides of the Foam Circle and not on top where the needle will pierce out.
- Continue stringing all the Giant Beads, Foam Circles and small Pony Beads in the order you laid out your design.
- Your last bead should be a small Pony Bead that you thread through twice and tie a knot. LEAVE AN EMPTY LENGTH OF LINE AT THE END TO HANG.
- Now that your done stringing your bracelet, lay it on a flat surface.
- Only using one set of vinyl letters - carefully peel off the first letter and place on the correct Foam Circle. The vinyl letters are sticky and not meant to be removed once placed, however, we have been able to remove and restick if needed. Once the first set of vinyl letters is successfully placed on Foam Circles you can use the extra set for the back. Leave the bracelet just like it is on the flat surface, and just flip each foam circle over to the blank side. Now you can attach the extra set to the back so no matter if the Foam Circles spin your letters will still be right side up!
- You can now attach a split ring to each end of your bracelet and you are ready to show off your one-of-a-kind Giant Friendship Bracelet!
Call/Text at 307-223-2313 or Email us at for video instructions or questions.
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